Canada: Christmas in September

September 2018

We’ve stumbled into a place of magic. Autumn and winter built a palace, and look at their art!

RMNP snow4

It’s quiet now, with skies lightening after last night’s snow. Spruce grouse wander the roads.

Spruce grouse Sept 18

…roads: pathways past miraculous beauty.

RMNP snow3

And – this!

Bears3 Sept 18

A bear! Three bears in fact; mama and two cubs of the year. They must be wondering who has repainted their forest, but seeing these wonderful creatures contrast the white is spellbinding.

Bears2 Sept 18

Black bears are a special species to me after all the time I spent with them out west. I’ve travelled so far driven by the hope of seeing one again, and here there are three! Christmas come early, I think.

A good moment. A special moment. The type of moment that makes you realise how precious our wild neighbours are.

9 thoughts on “Canada: Christmas in September

  1. Adele, beautiful post! Your Autumn/Winter images are fabulous! As you know Mother Nature can be unpredictable in Canada! And the weather, well, like they say: If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes!
    Happy Christmas to you!

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  2. Few days ago, on a way to Denman island, we were thinking that seeing Orcas passing through the straight between Denman and Hornby island would make a cherry on top of a cake this year was. And they were there, one hundred meters from our cabin, hunting 🙂 I know what that feels like with bears too, but there are no bears on this island – or not that we know about 😀 Anyway, they might be asleep by now.

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